• भारत सरकारGovernment Of India
  • उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य और सार्वजनिक वितरण मंत्रालयMINISTRY OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS, FOOD & PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION
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ECR And E Section


Channel of  submission

Level of final disposal

Circular   &  Instruction Reports/  Returns Related to Division

SO/ US/ DS/Director

Joint Secretary

Meeting,   Conference, Representations on Committee etc.

SO/ US/ Dir/ JS

Secretary/ Minister

Reports/Grounds of Detention of Persons Detained under PBM Act, 1980.

SO/ US/ Dir./ JS

Additional Secretary

Representation from persons detained under PBM Act, 1980.

SO/ US/ Dir./ JS

Additional Secretary

Writ Petitions/ Court Cased relating to PBM Act, 1980.

SO/ US/ Dir./ JS

Additional Secretary

PBM Act Monitoring of enforcement, Statistics form States/UTs – Material for monthly summary, information to Ministry

ASO/ SO/ US/ Dir.

Joint Secretary

PBM Act Amendment reference to Law Minister reg.

SO/ US/ Dir./ JS/ AS

Secretary/ Minister

Parliament Matters

SO/ US/ Dir./ JS/ AS

Secretary/ Minister

Essential Commodities Act, 1955 – Amendment /Reference to Law Ministry – reg.

SO/ US/ Dir./ JS/ AS

Secretary/ Minister

Order issued by Central Government under EC Act.

SO/ US/ Dir./ JS/ AS/ Secretary


Control Orders issued by States/ UTs under E.C. Act & Concurrence of Central Government  reg.

SO/ US/ Dir/ JS/ AS


Writ Petition Court Cased relating to E.C. Act.

SO/ US/ Dir./ JS/ AS


Action Taken under EC. Act de-hoarding operations by States/ UTs Monthly reports.

SO/ US/ Dir.


Joint Secretary

Proposals for addition/ deletion of items in list of essential commodities under E.C. Act

SO/ US/ Dir./ JS/ AS/ Secretary


Clarification sought by States/ UTs, Other Ministries/ Departments about provisions of E.C. Act.

SO/ US/ Dir./ JS


VIP References

SO/ US/ Director/ JS



SO/ US/ Dir.

Joint Secretary

Essential Commodities Act, 1955 Misc. matter & representation/ Petitions

SO/ US/ Dir.


Joint Secretary