• भारत सरकारGovernment Of India
  • उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य और सार्वजनिक वितरण मंत्रालयMINISTRY OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS, FOOD & PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION
Home Rti Channel Submission Consumer Welfare Fund

Consumer Welfare Fund

Consumer Welfare Fund


Channel of Submission

Level of Final Disposal

Grant in aid to VCOs/NGOs

  1. Rejection of proposals
  2. Approval of proposals
  3. Proposals for Corpus Fund from States


   SO/ US/ Dir./ JS

   SO/ US/ Dir./ JS

    SO/ US/ Dir./ JS




Policy matters on CWF

  US/ Dir./ JS/ Secretary


Hon’ble Minister (CA&FPD)

Parliament Questions and related matters


Starred Questions




Unstarred Questions



  US/ Dir./ JS/ Secretary




US/ Dir./ JS/ Secretary



Hon’ble Minister (CA&FPD)




Reports and returns


ASO/ SO/ US/ Dir.


Misc./non-policy matters


ASO/ SO/ US/ Dir.