• भारत सरकारGovernment Of India
  • उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य और सार्वजनिक वितरण मंत्रालयMINISTRY OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS, FOOD & PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION
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Consumer Protection Unit

Consumer Protection Unit
Items Level of Final Disposal Channel of Submission
Consumer Protection Act, 2019 and rules framed there under Hon’ble Minister or MOS, CAF&PD/Secy US/DS or Director/JS/AS
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) Hon’ble Minister or Minister or MOS, CAF&PD/Secy/AS/JS/DS or Dir UDC or Asst/SO/US
CCPC and its meetings Hon’ble Minister or MOS, CAF&PD/Secy/AS SO/US/DS or Dir/JS
Plan &Non-Plan Schemes Secy./AS SO/US/DS or Dir/JS
Matters relating to International Coop MOS(IC)CAF&PD /Secy./AS/JS Asst../SO/US/DS or Dir/JS
Parliament Questions. Hon’ble Minister or MOS, CAF&PD SO/US/DS or Dir/JS
Court cases. AS/JS Asst./SO/US/DS or Dir
Meetings/Workshops/Seminars. etc Secy./AS SO/US/DS or Dir/JS
Complaints regarding functioning of Consumer Fora Dir.or DS/US. Dealing Hand/SO/US/DS
O&M matters and returns Dir or DS./US Dealing Hand/SO/US
VIP References. Hon’ble Minister or MOS, CAF&PD/Secy/AS SO/US/DS or Dir/JS
Miscellaneous matters. JS/Dir or DS Asst./SO/US