• भारत सरकारGovernment Of India
  • उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य और सार्वजनिक वितरण मंत्रालयMINISTRY OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS, FOOD & PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION
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Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
179, Krishi Bhawan Shri Pralhad Joshi Hon'ble Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and Minister of New and Renewable Energy 23070637
23386098 (Fax)
EPABX (4302/ 4309), 333 minister-ca[at]nic[dot]in
178, Krishi Bhawan Shri Narayan R Gambhir OSD to Hon’ble Minister (CA, F&PD) 23070637
23386098 (Fax)
EPABX (4302/ 4309) mocafpd-office[at]gov[dot]in
180-B Krishi Bhawan Shri Nagesh Kumar B, IAS PS to Hon'ble Minister (CA, F&PD) 23387885
EPABX (4302/ 4309), 242 mocafpd-office[at]gov[dot]in
- Shri H.L. Guru Prasad, IIS OSD to Hon’ble Minister (CA, F&PD) 23070637
23386098 (Fax)
EPABX (4302/ 4309) osdtominister-cafpd[at]gov[dot]in
180- A, Krishi Bhawan Shri Rahul Raichur, IRS Addl. Private Secretary to Hon'ble Minister (CA, F&PD) 23070637
EPABX (4302/ 4309) mocafpd-office[at]gov[dot]in
180 Krishi Bhawan Sh. Mallikarjunagouda Patil Additional PS to Hon'ble Minister (Constituency) +91 8362251055 (Hubli)
180, Krishi Bhawan Shri Prithviraj Nath APS 23070637
EPABX (4302/ 4309) mocafpd-office[at]gov[dot]in
180 Krishi Bhawan Sh. Raghavendra Amruth Yarakad 1st PA to Hon'ble Minister (Constituency) +91 836 225 1055 (Hubli)
180, Krishi Bhawan Sh. Shankrappa Walikar 2nd PA to Hon'ble Minister 23070637 23070642
EPABX (4302/ 4309) mocafpd-office[at]gov[dot]in
180, Krishi Bhawan Sh. J. Vinod Kumar Hindi PA to Hon’ble Minister 23070637
EPABX (4302/ 4309) mocafpd-office[at]gov[dot]in
181 & 186 Personal Section Personal Section of Hon'ble Minister 23070637
23386098 (Fax)
EPABX (4302/ 4309) mocafpd-office[at]gov[dot]in
160 Visitor's Room of Hon'ble Minister
Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
Room No. 456 B, Krishi Bhawan Shri B. L. Verma Hon’ble Minister of State for Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. 23070650
303 mosoffice-ca[at]gov[dot]in
262, Krishi Bhawan Dr Satyendra Kumar Nayak Additional PS to Hon'ble MOS (CA, F&PD) 23070650 and 23070651
303 satyendra[dot]nayak[at]nic[dot]in
Krishi Bhawan PS to Hon'ble MOS(CA,F&PD) PS to Hon'ble MOS(CA,F&PD) 23070650
Krishi Bhawan Additional PS to Hon'ble MOS (CA, F&PD) Additional PS to Hon'ble MOS (CA, F&PD) 23070650
263, Krishi Bhawan Personal Staff Office of MoS 23070650
303 mos[dot]cafpd[at]nic[dot]in
Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
Room No. 173, Krishi Bhawan Smt. Nimuben Jayantibhai Bambhaniya Hon’ble Minister of State for Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. 23380630
23380632 (Fax)
282 mos[dot]cafpd[at]nic[dot]in
174,Krishi Bhavan (H wing) Jagriti Rohit Singla, IRTS PS to MOS(CA,F&PD) 23380630
23380632 (Fax)
265, Krishi Bhavan (H wing) Khushbuben H Suthar Addl. PS to MoS(CA,F&PD) 23380630
23380632 (Fax)
Secretary (Consumer Affairs)
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
49, Krishi Bhawan Smt. Nidhi Khare Secretary (CA) 23782807 2307 0121 2338 4716 (Fax)
49-A, Krishi Bhawan Shri Jitender Bhagat Principal Staff Officer to Secretary (CA) 23782807
201,202 jitender[dot]bhagat[at]nic[dot]in
49-A, Krishi Bhawan Shri J S Mann Private Secretary 23782807
201 secy-ca[at]nic[dot]in
Additional Secretary (Consumer Affairs)
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
270, Krishi Bhawan Shri Bharat Khera Additional Secretary (CA) 23383027
23386575 (Fax)
225 as-ca[at]nic[dot]in
255, Krishi Bhawan Ms. Kanika Bhattacharya PPS to Additional Secretary (CA) 23383027
23386575 (Fax)
222 as-ca[at]nic[dot]in
Senior Economic Adviser (Consumer Affairs)
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
486-A, Krishi Bhawan, E wing Shri I S Negi Senior Economic Adviser 23385964
264 is[dot]negi[at]gov[dot]in
486-C, E Wing, Krishi Bhavan Shri Ganesh Chandra Rao Sahu Sr. PPS to Sr EA 23385964
281 gcr[dot]sahu[at]nic[dot]in
Joint Secretary , Economic Advisor and Chief Controller of Accounts
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
190, Krishi Bhawan, Ms Tanuja Thakur Khalkho Joint Secretary & Financial Adviser, MoRD (Additional Charge) 23389432 23388191(Fax)
- jsfa-mord[at]nic[dot]in
264, Krishi Bhawan, H wing Shri Harish Kumar PPS to JS & FA 23389432 23388191(Fax)
365-A, Krishi Bhawan Shri Anupam Mishra Joint Secretary(CA) 23386666
23386322 (Fax)
276 js-ca[at]nic[dot]in,
365, Krishi Bhawan Ms. Kavita Agnihotri PPS to JS (CA) 23386666
23386322 (Fax)
240 kavita[dot]agnihotri[at]nic[dot]in
485-A, Krishi Bhawan Dr. Kamkhenthang Guite Economic Advisor 23386857
23387245 (Fax)
261 ea-ca[at]nic[dot]in, guite[at]nic[dot]in
390, Krishi Bhawan Shri S.K.Trehan PPS to Economic Advisor 23386857
223 sk[dot]trehan13[at]nic[dot]in
280-B, Krishi Bhawan Jenny Kiloung Chief Controller of Accounts (CCA) 23782609
259 cca-ca[at]nic[dot]in
276-A, Krishi Bhawan Ms. Uma Birdi PS to CCA 23782609
218 umabirdi[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in
468, H Wing Krishi Bhawan Shri Shashi Bhushan Adviser (cost) 23384840
260 shashibhushan[dot]icoas[at]nic[dot]in
376C, Krishi Bhawan Smt Chitra Bhaskaran Sr. PPS to Adviser (Cost) 23384840
555A, Krishi Bhavan, H-wing Shri KRUSHNA CHANDRA SINGHA Joint Secretary 23382503
221 kc[dot]singha[at]gov[dot]in
390, Krishi Bhawan Ms. Garima Steno Grade- D (Attached with JS (KC Singha)) 23382503
264, Krishi Bhawan, H wing Shri Santosh Kumar Verma Joint Secretary 23384418
207 sk[dot]verma1974[at]gov[dot]in
266, Krishi Bhawan, H wing Ms. Khushboo Kachhap Steno Grade- D (Attached with JS (SKV)) 23384418
562-A, Krishi Bhawan, Shri Abhishek, Steno Grade- D Steno Grade- D (Attached with JS (SKV))
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
374, Krishi Bhavan, H wing Shri Subhash Chandra Meena Director (Price Monitoring Division), (Essential Commodities, Regulation & Enforcement) 23388317
232 subhash[dot]meena[at]nic[dot]in
R No. 461A, Krishi Bhawan, H wing Sh. Ashutosh Agarwal Director (Legal Metrology) 23389489
245 ashutosh[dot]agarwal13[at]nic[dot]in dirwm-ca[at]nic[dot]in
456, Krishi Bhawan, H Wing Dr. ABS Shalini Director (Establishment. BIS, NCH, E-Daakhil) 23381120
275 abs[dot]shalini[at]gov[dot]in
251, Krishi Bhavan, G wing Shri Aman Jain Director (Parliament & Coordination) 23389327
269 amanjain[dot]ofb[at]nic[dot]in
373C, Krishi Bhawan Shri Mrinal Kumar Das Director (CCPA, Emblems & names) 23381233
277 mirnal[dot]159728[at]gov[dot]in
546-C, Krishi Bhawan Ms. Lal Ramdinpuii Renthlei Joint Director (Price Monitoring Division) 23385444
290 lalram[dot]r[at]nic[dot]in
Deputy Secretary
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
461, H Wing Krishi Bhawan Shri Sunil Kumar Mishra Deputy Secretary (Publicity, CPU except NCH/Confonet/E-Daakhil) 23389936
246 mishra[dot]sunil[at]nic[dot]in
371, Krishi Bhavan, H wing Shri Pramod Kumar Sahoo Deputy Secretary (National Test House) 23386210
280 pk[dot]sahoo[at]nic[dot]in
372-B, Krishi Bhavan, H wing Shri T R Satish Chandran Joint Director (Cost and Vigilance) 23384390
270 schandran[dot]73[at]nic[dot]in
R No. 464C, Krishi Bhawan Ms. Swwarupa Saraan Deputy Secretary (Consumer Welfare Fund, Public Grievance) 23381767
249 swwarupa[dot]saraan[at]nic[dot]in
468, Krishi Bhawan, H wing Shri Ramesh Singh Deputy Secretary (General Administration) 23071149
265 singh[dot]ramesh64[at]nic[dot]in
391, Krishi Bhavan, E wing Dr. Jagdish Prasad Meena Joint Director (Official Language) 23386631
306 Jagdish[dot]pmeena[at]gov[dot]in
Under Secretary and Deputy Director
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
253, Krishi Bhawan Shri P.K. Tyagi Under Secretary ( Names & Emblem and PG) 23070481
272 usit-ca[at]nic[dot]in
456A Krishi Bhawan (H-Wing) Smt. K Mahendran Under Secretary (CCPA, NCH) 23382395
286 k[dot]mahendran66[at]gov[dot]in
253, Krishi Bhawan, G Wing Shri Prasan Kumar Nanda Under Secretary (Integrated Finance & Budget) 23070481
220 prasan[dot]nanda[at]gov[dot]in
466-A, Krishi Bhawan, H Wing Shri Baldev Singh Under Secretary (BIS) 23384627
266 usbis-ca[at]gov[dot]in
456-A (Krishi Bhawan) Shri. Ajit Kumar Under Secretary (Parliament & Coordination Including RTI, O&M , E-Governance and General Administration) 23386189
215 ajit[dot]kumar67[at]nic[dot]in
374A, Krishi Bhawan, H wing Shri Bal Krishna Thakur Under Secretary (Publicity Establishment) 23388778
287 ddpub1-ca[at]nic[dot]in, bk[dot]thakur75[at]gov[dot]in
486-B, Krishi Bhawan, E Wing Dr. Sadhana Srivastave Deputy Director (PMD) 23386317
263 sadhana[dot]s[at]nic[dot]in
486-B Krishi Bhawan, E Wing Shri Rajeev Kumar Deputy Director (PMD, ECR&E) 23386127
263 rajiv[dot]msme[at]gov[dot]in
541A, Shastri Bhawan Shri Manoj Kumar Naik Deputy Director (LM) 01123386194
12/2 Jamnagar House Shri Gaya Lal Under Secretary (Cash) 23073612
R No. 466A, Krishi Bhawan Shri Tamoghna Chaudhury Under Secretary (CPU including CONFONET and e-Daakhil) 23097042
213 uscpu-ca[at]nic[dot]in, tamoghna[dot]chaudhuri[at]nic[dot]in
12/2 Jamnagar House Sh. Md. Aamir Under Secretary (National Test House & Cooperation) 23073612
373-B (Krishi Bhawan) Sh. Vikash Kumar Under Secretary (Publicity & ECR&E) 23381019
305 vikash[dot]kumar80[at]nic[dot]in
373-B (Krishi Bhawan) Sh. Amit Kumar Under Secretary (Consumer Welfare Fund & Vigilance) 23381019
304 amit[dot]kmr23[at]gov[dot]in
Assistant Director
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
567-A Krishi Bhawan Shri Mukesh Kumar Gautam Assistant Director (PMD) 23386744
273 mukesh[dot]gautam[at]nic[dot]in
541-A, ShastriBhawan Shri Dinesh Sagar Assistant Director (LM) 23386194
- dinesh[dot]sagar[at]nic[dot]in
567-A Krishi Bhawan Shri Pankaj Pahadia Assistant Director (Cost) (E- Governance, Reforms, New Projects& Innovations) 23386744
271 pankaj[dot]pahadia[at]gov[dot]in
391, E wing, Krishi Bhavan Shri Ashok Kumar Assistant Director (Official Language) 23389024
251 adol-ca[at]nic[dot]in
391, E Wing Krishi Bhawan Ms. Muskan Jain Assistant Director (PMD)
301 jain[dot]muskan[at]gov[dot]in
391, E Wing Krishi Bhawan Ms. Shivani Goyal Assistant Director (Cost)
302 goyal[dot]shivani[at]gov[dot]in
Section Officer
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
567-A (Krishi Bhawan) Sh. Udit Section Officer (CPU) 23381055
255 socpu-ca[at]nic[dot]in
458, Krishi Bhawan Shri Abhinav Kumar Section Officer (Vigilance) 23383846
242 sovig-ca[at]nic[dot]in
562-A (Krishi Bhawan) Sh. Vijay Kumar Section Officer (Confonet & e-Daakhil) 23383996
236 vijay[dot]ranga24[at]gov[dot]in
562 (Krishi Bhawan) Smt. Anita Kadyan Section Officer (ECR&E) 23386959
254 anita[dot]kadyan[at]gov[dot]in
464-B, Krishi Bhawan Shri Kumar Sundaram Section Officer (Establishment) 23384882
296 soestt-ca[at]nic[dot]in
259, Krishi Bhawan Shri Sachin Kumar Section officer (P&C/O&M) 23382525
248 sopc-ca[at]nic[dot]in
12/2, Jamnagar, House Shri S. Mahesh Section officer (Library) 23385316
Basement, G wing Shri Ajeet Shukla Section Officer (Publicity) 23071259
295 sopub-ca[at]nic[dot]in
383 Krishi Bhawan Shri Kumar Anand Section Officer (NCH) 23385723
294 sonch-ca[at]gov[dot]in
383, Krishi Bhawan Shri Pritam Singh Section Officer (IFD) 23385723
294 pritam[dot]singh40[at]gov[dot]in
562A, Krishi Bhawan Shri Abhishek Kumar Section Officer (BIS) 23383878
250 sobis-ca[at]nic[dot]in
567-A (Krishi Bhawan) Shri Abinash Chandra Kumar Section Officer (CCPA) 23381055
255 avinash[dot]ck[at]gov[dot]in
546 Krishi Bhawan Shri Dharam Prakash Senior Statistical Officer (Price Monitoring Division) 23382332
257 dharam[dot]prakash[at]gov[dot]in
383, Krishi Bhawan Sh. Anurag Kumar Mishra Section Officer (E&N & PG) 23387737
209 mishra[dot]anurag[at]gov[dot]in
181, Krishi Bhawan (HWing) Sh. Shantanu Nandi Section Officer (o/o Hon’ble Min CA F&PD) 23070637
236 shantanu[dot]68[at]gov[dot]in
546-A, Krishi Bhawan Shri Sachin Bansal Senior Statistical Officer (Price Monitoring Cell) 23382166
256 sachin[dot]bansal92[at]gov[dot]in
12/2 Jamnagar House Sh. Vaibhav Madan Section Officer (NTH) 23073638
546-A, Krishi Bhawan Ms. Neeti Kapoor Senior Statistical Officer (Price Monitoring Cell) 23382332
257 neeti[dot]kapoor13[at]nic[dot]in
546-A, Krishi Bhawan Shri Surender Shah Senior Statistical Officer (Price Monitoring Cell) 23382166
256 surender[dot]shahl3[at]nic[dot]in
373-A H Wing, Krishi Bhawan Shri Vivek Prakash Section Officer (General Admin.) 23383557
204 sogen-ca[at]nic[dot]in
470, Krishi Bhawan Shri Kuldeep Singh Section Officer (Cash)/DDO 23386188
243 kuldeep.singh13 [at]nic[dot]in, ddocash-ca[at]nic[dot]in
545, G wing, Krishi Bhavan, Central Corridor CCPA Unit CCPA Unit
470, Krishi Bhawan Shri Gulshan Kumar Section Officer (Cash) 23386188
243 gulshan[dot]kumar13[at]nic[dot]in
Pay and Accounts Officers and Assistant Account Officers
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
12/A, Jamnagar House Smt. Santosh Rana Sr. Accounts Officer 23385740
23387011 & 23384796(Staff)
566, Krishi Bhawan Smt. Urmila Budget Officer 23389084
253 urmilams[dot]17[at]gov[dot]in
470, Krishi Bhawan Smt. Pinki Bisla Sr. Account Officer 23386188
243 pinkidahiya[dot]17[at]gov[dot]in
566, Krishi Bhawan Sh. Deepankar Mudgal Assistant Account Officer 23386188
253 deepangar[dot]mudgal[at]bsf[dot]nic[dot]in
464-B Krishi Bhawan Sh. Parasmani Assistant Account Officer 23384882
296 parasmani[dot]thakur80[at]gov[dot]in
NIC Unit
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
2nd Floor, A-Block, CGO Complex Deputy Director General Deputy Director General 24305748
546-B, Krishi Bhawan Dr. N. Natarajan Senior Director (IT) 23381689
274 natarajan[at]nic[dot]in
208 NIC contact No. for Internet complaints 23381789
1800 111 555
Other Utility Services
Room No Name Designation Office Number Intercom Residence Number Email Id
259, H wing, Krishi Bhawan Sh. Suyash Pratap Singh ASO (Parliament Assistant) 23382525
248 uspc-ca[at]nic[dot]in
373-A, H Wing, Krishi Bhawan Shri Arjun Singh ASO (General Section CA) 23387672
204 arjun[dot]singh13[at]nic[dot]in
12-A, Jamnagar House Section Officer (GA) Library Incharge 23385316
50, Krishi Bhawan Shri Satinder Kumar Sr.RO Night Duty Incharge (R&I) 23387449
Gate No. 6, Krishi Bhawan Reception 23389752
Krishi Bhawan CPWD(Civil) 23389228
ShastriBhawan CPWD(Civil) 23389797
Krishi Bhawan CPWD(Elect) 23383819
ShastriBhawan CPWD (Elect) 23384265
Jam Nagar House CPWD (civil.) Jam Nagar 23386755
Jam Nagar House CPWD (Elect.) Jam Nagar 23386755
Driver Room