• भारत सरकारGovernment Of India
  • उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य और सार्वजनिक वितरण मंत्रालयMINISTRY OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS, FOOD & PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION
Home Organisation and Units Division Legal Metrology Responsibility Of The Centre And The States In Relation To Weights And Measures

Responsibility Of The Centre And The States In Relation To Weights And Measures

The responsibility in relation to weights and measures is shared between the Centre and the States. Matters of National Policy and other related functions such as, uniform laws on weights and measures, technical regulations, training, precision laboratory facilities and implementation of the International Recommendation are the concern of the Central Government. The State Governments and Union Territory Administration are responsible for the day to day enforcement of the laws.

The weights and Measures Unit in the D/o Consumer Affairs, being the central authority for dealing with the subject, is required to handle all the matters falling within the purview of the Central Government. In addition, it has to guide, co-ordinate and supervise the enforcement activities of the state enforcement machinery.